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  • Writer's pictureSarah Sjolie

Running Uphill

If I wrote my life story it would be entitled “Running Uphill.” Why; because I enjoy challenges and I am most comfortable pushing forward. On the shadow side of this superpower is the difficulty of slowing down and enjoying peace. I was an excellent short-stop and a terrible outfielder.

I don’t think I am alone here. In our performance-based, outcome-obsessed culture, this type of climb and achieve movement is what is seen, recognized, and rewarded. If you are like me, we respond to the stimulus of positive reinforcement like a trained rat. Achievement is wonderful and yet when reached a new level appears As you can see, this creates a never-ending cycle of achievement, loss of the thrill of the quest, and then a targeted next milestone. This may not be an issue for some. For me; it’s exhausting!

While I have not fully recovered from this uphill-mindset, I am on the journey to listening to my body and feeling more comfortable being awake, slow, and present. Here’s what I have learned after much trial and error:

  • Move everyday! It could be dancing, rollerskating, or running, etc. Just move.

  • Slow or stop social media use. No one cares if you forget to say happy birthday online, or if you miss the one advocacy rally you ‘should’ have attended.

  • In a moment with family and friends, slow the breath, and note the smell, sounds, and the feeling in the moment to truly be present and enjoy.

  • Start a hobby and be terrible. Do it anyway because it's fun and not about being awesome.

I believe that there is a way to make a difference in the world without sacrificing our health, happiness, family, or sleep. I am learning that sustainable leadership and energy has to come from putting on our own oxygen mask first and then sharing our rested, inspired, and compassionate selves with others.

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